Global Distribution Using Profound Publishers!

E-Book, Paperback, Hardback & More

Profound Publishers acknowledges that the composition of a captivating book or manuscript merely marks the outset of an author's trajectory. Publishing and promoting your book effectively are both critical components in guaranteeing its triumph.

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How We Work

Authors of books published by Profound Publishers retain the autonomy, authority, ownership, and royalties associated with self-publishing, in addition to receiving worldwide distribution, outreach, and a team of experts who supervise and analyze each stage of the distribution procedure.


We collaborate incessantly with a vast network of brick-and-mortar and online distributors to guarantee that your work reaches the intended audience.

Our services

Your manuscript will attract the appropriate audience and stand out on the shelves with our assistance.

Book Editing

With the assistance of a proficient editor and proofreader, every outstanding author must produce a work of art. It is simple for even the most gifted writer to overlook minor errors such as typos and grammatical complications. This is where Profound Publishers comes in; our affordable editing and proofreading services are performed by a team of experts. You can have complete confidence that your manuscript will be flawlessly refined with our assistance. Instead of allowing minor errors to impede your progress, harness your writing capabilities with our assistance in crafting a work of literature that will astound you.
Tracked revisions allow you to retain absolute creative control over your manuscript while utilizing our book editing services. It is possible to conveniently observe and assess every alteration that has been applied by our editors.
Additionally, we provide clarifications for any non-standard components found in your book, such as jargon, terminology, or formal names. Furthermore, the personalized editor's remarks offer a comprehensive assessment of the completed work.

Ghost Writing

Regarding our ghostwriting services, we take great satisfaction in being your success partners. We collaborate closely with you from inception to conclusion to comprehend your objectives and materialize your vision in a manner that embodies your distinct personality and aesthetic.
Our seasoned ghostwriters are committed to delivering the highest quality ghostbook writing services on the market. We recognize the significance of crafting an engrossing narrative that maintains the interest of readers throughout. Our ghostwriters collaborate closely with you in order to embody your vision and infuse vitality into your story.
By leveraging our proficiency and meticulousness, we guarantee that your ghostbook is exceptionally crafted, persuasive, and conforms to your utmost standards. Permit us to assist you in materializing your concepts and producing a book of which you can be truly proud.
Independent publishing a book can be a formidable undertaking, as it necessitates assuming complete accountability for the book's achievements, including marketing strategies. This procedure may prove to be overpowering, consuming valuable writing time and diverting attention from other critical undertakings, such as generating contact lists and media pitches.

Book Marketing

Tired of being an undiscovered author amidst a multitude of books? Permit our book marketing services to transform your experience from uncharted to unforgettable. Our team of specialists is well-versed in the particular complexities of book marketing and will design an individualized campaign to distinguish your book. With effective email campaigns and social media blitzes, we will assist you in maximizing the potential of your book. Instead of accepting lackluster marketing, strive for excellence. Preparing for an exhilarating journey towards publishing success? Select Profound Publishers.
Effective marketing is the driving force behind the success of any book or eBook. Furthermore, we are here to assist. Our eBook and professional book marketing services are strategically crafted to elevate your book from obscurity to bestseller status. Collaborating with industry professionals, we have ensured that our marketing planning and strategies are unparalleled. By implementing our practical marketing strategies, we will not only increase the visibility of your book but also position you as an authority in your field. Instead of accepting mediocre book sales, opt for our outstanding book promotion services and observe your book ascend in popularity.

Our Process

The reasons to choose us as your business partner


Manuscript Submission

Authors submit their manuscripts to Profound Publishers, providing their work for consideration in our publication lineup.


Digital Formatting & Editing

Accepted manuscripts are digitally formatted and edited for online reading and e-book platform compatibility.


Cover Design & Branding

Our design team creates eye-catching cover designs and develops branding elements tailored for digital platforms to attract online readers.


E-book Conversion

The manuscript is converted into various e-book formats (e.g., ePub, PDF) to make it accessible across different devices and e-reader software.


Online Distribution

Profound Publishers leverages online distribution channels, such as Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and our own website, to make the e-book available for purchase and download worldwide.


Digital Marketing & Promotion

To boost e-book sales, we use social media promotion, email newsletters, and SEO to raise awareness and interaction.


Portfolio Gallery.

Packages We Offer

Superior book publishing and marketing services are provided at an affordable price through a variety of package options.

New Author

  • Manuscript Editorial Review & Feedback
  • Professional Book Cover Design (Front, Back and Spine)
  • Proofreading & Formatting (Up to 300 Pages)
  • Preface, Author Page, & Disclaimer Page
  • Layout Design & Compilation (As Per Standards)
  • ISBN & BISAC Registration
  • Distributor Set-Up & Account Creation
  • A+ Content Creation & Design
  • Book Listing (Title, Keywords, Description & Meta Data)
  • Complimentary 1 Paperback & 1 Hardback Copies
  • Global Digital Distribution (50+ Distributors)
  • Amazon and Barnes & Noble Look Inside
  • Distribution Formats: E-Book, Paperback & Hardback (Via POD)

Professional Author

  • Manuscript Review & Feedback
  • Manuscript Editorial Review & Feedback
  • Professional Book Cover Design (Front, Back and Spine)
  • Proofreading & Formatting (Up to 300 Pages)
  • Preface, Author Page, & Disclaimer Page
  • Layout Design & Compilation (As Per Standards)
  • ISBN & BISAC Registration
  • ISBN & BISAC Registration
  • 10 Complimentary Author Copies
  • Distributor Set-Up & Account Creation
  • A+ Content Creation & Design
  • Book Listing (Title, Keywords, Description & Meta Data)
  • Complimentary 1 Paperback & 1 Hardback Copies
  • Global Digital Distribution (100+ Distributors)

Tailored Distribution and Marketing Plan

  • Contact For Consultation

What Our Clients Say

Determine for yourself what our clients have to say regarding our services before you make a hasty decision.

In this digital age, trust and credibility are paramount when choosing a service provider. At Profound Publishers, we understand the importance of transparency and client feedback in building lasting relationships.

As we continue to evolve and refine our services, the feedback we receive serves as both motivation and guidance.

“As a first-time author, I greatly benefited from the expertise and guidance offered by Profound Publishers. They provided valuable insights and advice on various aspects of the writing and publishing process, making me feel confident in my decisions.”

Rhys Wong
( 7 Reviews )

“The author marketing services provided by Profound Publishers helped me get my name out there and establish myself as a credible author. Thank you for your help!”

Eric Flores
( 7 Reviews )

“Profound Publishers exceeded my expectations in every way. From the initial writing process to the final publication, every step was handled with professionalism and expertise. Their collaborative approach brought my vision to life, and the publishing process was seamless. I highly recommend their services to aspiring authors.”

Alex Bishop
( 7 Reviews )
Our Contact

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